Current Tobacco Use:





69.0 million

Adult Tobacco Users:

14.6 million

Annual Deaths Caused by Tobacco:



Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies

Data are necessary to implement and evaluate effective tobacco control policies. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators.

In Thailand, the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, National Statistical Office and Mahidol University jointly conducted GATS Round 1 in 2009 and GATS Round 2 in 2011.

Adult smokeless tobacco use decreased

GATS Thailand 2009 and 2011

*Comparisons are significant at p<.05; Difference is larger than can be reasonably explained by chance and therefore reflects a true difference.


Protect people from tobacco smoke

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. The sole intervention that can fully protect people from the health dangers of secondhand smoke is creating environments that are completely smoke-free without any exceptions.

Tobacco Products Control Act

In 2017, the new Tobacco Products Control Act (TPCA) B.E. 2560 (2017) was enacted to control the use of tobacco products and protect non-smoker’s health by increasing penalties for smoking in prohibited areas, among other important measures.

Adults exposed to secondhand smoke in various places

GATS Thailand 2011


Offer help to quit tobacco use

When informed of the risks, most tobacco users want to quit, but few get help and support to overcome their dependence. There are several evidence-based supports that can increase the chance to quit successfully.

Various Services Offered to Help Smokers Quit

In Thailand there are 3 services to offer help to quit tobacco use:​

  • treatment clinics in health care settings​
  • management approach including pharmacological therapy​​
  • quit lines​

The Thailand National Quitline (TNQ) is available free of charge to the public. The services offer behavioral counselling and a number of follow-up counselling calls.

Adult smokers who were asked about their smoking status by a health care provider decreased significantly from 60.2% in 2009 to 65.3% in 2011.

Warn about the dangers of tobacco

Effective health warning labels provide health messages directly to tobacco users, which raises awareness of their health risks and increase the likelihood that they will reduce tobacco use or quit altogether.

Thailand is the First Asian Country to Require Plain Cigarette Packaging

On 14 November 2018, the National Committee on Tobacco Control approved the Ministry of Health Regulation that requires all cigarette products to be sold in drab brown colored packs, free of any logos or images with 85 percent pictorial health warnings on both sides of the pack.

Since 2014, Thailand already had graphic health warnings covering 85 percent packaging of tobacco products. Introduction of plain packaging is expected to further boost the country’s tobacco control efforts targeting the current and new users.

After regulation​
Collection Date: Sep 2015​
Adult smokers who noticed health warnings on cigarette packaging increased significantly from 93.0% in 2009 to 94.6% in 2011.

Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) increase tobacco use. Comprehensive TAPS bans have shown to reduce tobacco consumption.

Packaging Display Ban at Point of Sale

On 28 September 2005, Thailand became the first country in Asia to ban the display of cigarettes at a point of sale. ​

Retail stores before (picture on the left) and after the ban (picture on the right) on point of sale display of cigarettes. ​

Adults who noticed cigarette advertisements in stores

-GATS Thailand 2011


Raise taxes on tobacco

The most effective way to reduce tobacco use and encourage tobacco users to quit is to raise taxes to increase the price of tobacco products.

Tobacco Taxes in Thailand

In Thailand, tobacco tax rates have been adjusted regularly since 1994. In 2016 there was a tax increase from 87 percent to 90 percent.​

A special “health tax” of 2 percent was also applied to tobacco products to fund anti-tobacco health promotion and is directed to the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) Fund (as of 2001). Later on, another surcharge was added to fund the Thai Public Broadcasting Service. ​

The inflation-adjusted average price paid per 20 manufactured cigarettes significantly increased from ​45.0 Thai Bhat in 2009 to 58.0 Thai Bhat in 2011.

View the full GATS Thailand reports: