Current Tobacco Use:





164.7 million

Adult Tobacco Users:

37.8 million

Annual Deaths Due to Tobacco:



Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies

Data are necessary to implement and evaluate effective tobacco control policies. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators.

GATS Bangladesh 2009 was implemented by the National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine with the collaboration of the National Institute of Population Research and Training and the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) under the coordination of the Ministry of Health and Human Welfare. GATS Bangladesh 2017 was implemented under direct supervision of the Ministry of Health through the BBS.

Adult tobacco use decreased

GATS Bangladesh 2009 and 2017

*Comparisons are significant at p<.05; Difference is larger than can be reasonably explained by chance and therefore reflects a true difference.


Protect people from tobacco smoke

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. The sole intervention that can fully protect people from the health dangers of secondhand is creating environments that are completely smoke-free without any exceptions.

PSA: “Tobacco is Eating your Baby Alive”

Bangladesh launched a public service announcement called “Tobacco is eating your baby alive” on national TV and radio stations and featured on posters around the country. The public service announcement aimed to garner support for Bangladesh’s The Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control) Bill, 2013, which expanded the definition of public places where tobacco use is prohibited, including parks and restaurants.​

Adults exposed to secondhand smoke in various places including in the workplace and at home decreased significantly from 2009 to 2017.

Offer help to quit tobacco use

When informed of the risks, most tobacco users want to quit, but few get help and support to overcome their dependence. There are several evidence-based supports that can increase the chance to quit successfully.

Adult smokers who were advised to quit by a health care provider increased

GATS Bangladesh 2009 and 2017

*Comparisons are significant at p<.05; Difference is larger than can be reasonably explained by chance and therefore reflects a true difference.


Warn about the dangers of tobacco

Effective health warning labels provide health messages directly to tobacco users, which raises awareness of their health risks and increase the likelihood that they will reduce tobacco use or quit altogether.

The “People Behind the Packs” Campaign

In March 2016, Bangladesh introduced pictorial health warning labels on all tobacco packaging. The picture/text warnings occupy the upper 50 percent of the 2 principal display areas of the tobacco product packaging. If the packaging does not have 2 main sides, the warning must cover the upper 50 percent of the main display area.

When graphic warnings were first implemented in 2016, a mass media campaign was launched entitled ”People Behind the Packs” to draw attention to the warnings. The public service announcements featured patients receiving treatment from cancer hospitals in Dhaka, holding cigarette packs that show a health warning related to their specific illness.

Adult tobacco users who noticed health warning labels on cigarette packaging increased significantly from 90.7% in 2009 to 96.6% in 2017.

Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) increase tobacco use. Comprehensive TAPS bans have shown to reduce tobacco consumption.

Bangladesh Pulls Out of Tobacco Industry-Sponsored Event

Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship are banned in Bangladesh; however, the tobacco industry still tries to promote pro-tobacco messaging. Bangladesh’s Mayor Sayeed Khokon, pulled out of British American Tobacco Bangladesh’s student competition “Battle of the Minds 2017” due to pressure from city society organizations that underscored that the event was a promotional stunt to market tobacco products to young people.

Adults who noticed any cigarettes advertisement, promotion or sponsorships decreased significantly from 48.7% in 2009 to 39.6% in 2017.

Raise taxes on tobacco

The most effective way to reduce tobacco use and encourage tobacco users to quit is to raise taxes to increase the price of tobacco products.

Tobacco Products More Affordable Despite Tobacco Tax

A report developed by the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project found that although the price of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco increased between 2009 and 2015 in Bangladesh, fast economic growth in has made tobacco products highly affordable in the country.

The average cost of pack of cigarettes increased

GATS Bangladesh 2009 and 2017

Note: GATS Bangladesh 2009 cost data were adjusted for inflation for direct comparison to 2017 using the Inflation Rate for Average Consumer Prices from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database.

*Comparisons are significant at p<.05; Difference is larger than can be reasonably explained by chance and therefore reflects a true difference.


View the full GATS Bangladesh report: