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Tobacco Use
Tobacco Use
Current tobacco use
First use of tobacco within 5 minutes of waking
Dual use of smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco
Smoked Tobacco
Current tobacco smoking
Current non-smokers
Current daily tobacco smoking
Former daily tobacco smoking
Current manufactured cigarette smoking
Current hand-rolled cigarette smoking
Number of cigarettes smoked per day
Current cigar smoking
Current pipe smoking
Current water pipe smoking
Age of daily tobacco smoking initiation
Daily smoking initiation before age 15
Quit ratio for tobacco smoking
Former daily smoking who recently quit smoking
Smokeless Tobacco
Current smokeless tobacco use
Current non-users of smokeless tobacco
Current daily smokeless tobacco use
Former daily smokeless tobacco use
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Secondhand Smoke
Secondhand Smoke
Exposure to secondhand smoke in restaurants
Exposure to secondhand smoke at work
Exposure to secondhand smoke at home
Health Care Professionals
Asked by a health care professional about smoking status
Advised by a health care professional to quit smoking
Intention to Quit
Intention to quit smoking in next month
Intention to quit smoking in next year
Intention to quit smoking in future
Unsure about quitting smoking
No intention to quit smoking
Quit Attempt
Tobacco smoking quit attempt
Use of counseling as cessation method
Use of pharmacotherapy as cessation method
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Purchase of cigarettes at store
Purchase of cigarettes at kiosks
Purchase of cigarettes from street vendor
Counter Advertising
Awareness of health warning labels on cigarette packaging
Impact of health warning labels on cigarette packaging
Awareness of anti-cigarette information on television
Awareness of anti-cigarette information in newspapers or magazines
Awareness of anti-cigarette information on the radio
Awareness of anti-cigarette information on billboards
Tobacco Advertising
Awareness of tobacco advertising on television
Awareness of tobacco advertising in newspapers
Awareness of tobacco advertising on radio
Awareness of tobacco advertising on billboards
Awareness of tobacco advertising on posters
Awareness of tobacco advertising in cinemas
Awareness of tobacco advertising on the internet
Awareness of tobacco advertising on public walls
Awareness of tobacco advertising in stores
Awareness of tobacco advertising on public transportation
Awareness of cigarette promotion at sporting events
Exposure to free cigarette samples/promotion
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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions
Beliefs about tobacco smoking causing serious illness
Beliefs about secondhand smoke causing serious illness
Beliefs about tobacco smoking causing lung cancer
Beliefs about tobacco smoking causing stroke
Beliefs about tobacco smoking causing heart attack